1-UP Release history

On this page you'll find all the bugs & new features that we fixed/added in each version of 1-UP released.


Current version - check the download page for the release information.


Bug fixes in this release:

Far too many to list - everything reported by users from 0.9.832 has been fixed or replaced.

New features in this release:

  1. The games list is no longer a list of text; the new game details are also displayed. Those who want to see more games and less info can change this in the preferences window.
  2. The emulator list has also changed - there are three view options selectable from the preferences window.
  3. The way that the parameters and function parameters are displayed has also changed you can toggle to see either one by using the selector bar above them.
  4. Outlook-style selector bars have been introduced in this version. The one above the emulator list allows you to select which emulator group to display, dropping down the game list bar will open up a search option.
  5. The main form is now fully resizable - this is remembered between sessions.
  6. There is a splitter bar between the emulator list and the game list (vertical).
  7. There is a splitter bar between the game list and the parameter list & media display (vertical).
  8. There is a splitter bar between the parameter list and the media display.
  9. Splitter locations are remembered between sessions.
  10. There is now only one view mode for the main window - the 'original' size (which used tabs to store the parameters, function parameters, preview pictures and game list) has been removed since you can now down-size the window to fit into a 640*480 resolution desktop.
  11. The whole handling of game-related pictures and text-files has been overhauled. All of these items are now called "media items" and have been extended to support audio and video files. The main points are:
    1. There is no limit to the number of media items you associate to a game.
    2. Most common audio file-types are now supported (.wav, .snd, .mp3, etc.). Note: Audio media items can be set to automatically play in the background when a game is selected.
    3. Most common video file-types are now supported (.avi, .mov, .mpeg, etc.).
    4. Full HTML support.
    5. Please note there is still no support for the gif format. This is because of licensing issues.
  12. A "favourites" emulator has been created. You can only change the icon and emulator groups that this belongs to. To add a game to the "favourites" emulator simply right-click it and select "Add to favourites".
  13. Games can now have a lot of related information stored with them:
    1. Manufacturer,
    2. Year of production,
    3. Genre,
    4. Country of origin,
    5. Display type,
    6. Colour,
    7. Number of players,
    8. Is game playable,
    9. User rating (out of five)
  14. 1-UP automatically tracks the number of times you have played a game and also the total play time. This can be manually reset.
  15. Emulators now have space for an alternate .exe (toggle by right- clicking on the emulator in the main window. Any game associated with an emulator that has an alternate .exe specified can be permanently set to use it.
  16. Emulators can now store what system the emulator emulates.
  17. The full-window preview buttons for flyers, cabinets and screen-shots have been removed; simply double-click on the image displayed.
  18. You can search the game database by clicking on the games header bar and selecting the "search games" item that drops down. Ultimately, there will be functionality to save a search (with a name and icon) and then store this in the emulator listbox. Also, where there is a set list of items (display type only has raster, vector and other) you will be presented with this list instead. For items such as rating there will be the ability to get all games with a rating > 2.5 or >=4. Note that you can also search the games currently listed.
  19. You can alter all game-related information (see [13] above) for all games currently in the game list. This means you can search for "galaxian" in a game's name and set the genre for all of them to "Shoot 'em up" in one fell swoop!
  20. Support for RomCenter data files.
  21. Right-click functionality on the emulator list.
  22. Right-click functionality on the game list (improved over previous version).
  23. Right-click functionality on the media viewer.
  24. You can now toggle the emulator list display on and off. This is for users running on low(er) resolution desktops (640*480). If you are running 800*600 you might want to start toggling the emulator list on and off so you get a bigger preview image display. Press CTRL + Z or select "Emulators" from the "View" drop-down menu.
  25. You can also make the emulator list appear when the mouse reaches the left edge of the main window and disappears when the mouse enters the game list.
  26. You can now toggle the parameters list display on and off. Press CTRL + X or select "Parameters" from the "View" drop-down menu.
  27. When you change an emulator's default extraction path you will now be asked if you want to automatically update the extraction path for all games associated with it.
  28. 1-UP will ask you if you want to play a game that is marked as "unplayable" (see [13.8] above). This can be turned off in the preferences window. Additionally, once you have attempted to play a game marked as "unplayable", you will be asked if you want to mark it as playable.
  29. Genres & Countries of Origin can be added to/edited/removed using the "Maintain standing data" function from the "Tools" drop-down menu, the "Manage genres and countries" drop-down item in the "Games" bar and finally from both the edit game window and the global settings window. Please note that if you edit a value, all games that had the previous value will be altered.
  30. Processing of filename/CRC32 to game name files has undergone dramatic improvement. You now select a file and associate it with any number of emulators. 1-UP is aware of MAME, ROMCenter, it's own old format AND a new character delimited format; this stores genre, year of manufacture, display type, colour etc. The three nicest features are:
    1. The interface is much simplified and cleaner - it is also quicker since you no longer see each of the items (no loading/parsing).
    2. You no longer require the tab for multi-image emulator resources (MAME, Raine, etc.) and another for single-image resources (ZSNES, Gens, X128, etc.) since 1-UP autodetects the format of the file and handles processing of it dependent of that format.
    3. These files are automatically loaded into memory when you start a match manually or inside the multi-add wizard. This also means the multi-add wizard can be completed quickly.
  31. There is an additional program in the install; MAMEGameInfoTo1RF that will build a resource file for MAME by simply locating the .exe. You will then have a .1RF file with everything except the country of origin filled in. This utilises the CatVer.ini file and also the history.dat file to obtain all required information.
  32. There is a new view option in the main window "Game information". This lists (strangely) the information for the currently selected game. Activate this view by selecting the "Current game information" from the parameters bar. Note that "view/parameters"must be set on.
  33. The count of currently listed games is now shown in the games bar, not the title bar of the main window.
  34. There is now a "Task Wizard" (CRTL + W) that gives easy access to all of 1-UP's main features.
  35. You can specify a batch file to be launched when a specific game is launched this enables you to have specific settings for I-Pac etc.
  36. You can specify a command line for a specific game. This feature is limited (but it works). Please note that this goes against the design philosophy of 1-UP.
  37. You can now output a list of the games you have associated with any emulator in 1-UP. You can use this to determine if there are any games on a site that you need to download :)
  38. The on-line help has been updated to take into account the changes made since the last release.



  1. The emulator picture for a "single game" emulator would be only displayed for a split second. This has been fixed.
  2. It was possible, under certain circumstances, for 1-UP to become frozen after launching an emulator. This is now fixed.
  3. If you had the image toggle set on and selected a game that had no images assigned to it 1-UP could also freeze. This is now fixed.
  4. If you attempt to edit a game in the "Multi-Add Results" window you will no longer get an invalid procedure call (this was a bug new to the last version).
  5. Configuration file changes are now made when an emulator function is run. This improves the reliability of the MAME functions when you have both arcade and NEOGEO ROMs AND they are in different directories.
  6. If a game information resource file is specified, but doesn't exist, 1-UP will now tell you that game information is not available.
  7. You can no longer change the emulator associated with a game when editing it. This fixes an obscure "subscript out of range" bug.
  8. If you have a game selected, showing it's cabinet image and then select another game that has no images available, 1-UP now correctly displays the "Preview of [game name] is unavailable".
  9. You can no longer create a file name to real name resource file for single image emulators (ZNSES, KGen, RockNES, etc.) only CRC files. File name resource files can still be created for emulators such as MAME, Raine, Shark, MESS, etc.
  10. The "preview not available" text message was badly aligned when in the large window view in previous versions - it's now fixed.
  11. The game information textbox was badly aligned when you started 1-UP in the small window view - it's now fixed.
  12. If you cancelled the import emulator wizard after selecting the emulator file AND had no other emulators loaded, you would get a "subscript out of range" error. This is fixed.
  13. Several users have reported that 1-UP doesn't redraw correctly after they exit an emulator. This should be fixed in this release.
  14. The mouse pointer is set the "busy" when you click the finish button in the multi-add wizard.
  15. It was possible to get a "subscript out of range" if you had the image toggling on, selected a game associated with an emulator that you were about to remove and then removed it.

New features

  1. When you open the games manager window to add a game (or games with the multi-add wizard) the emulator combo box will be given focus. This has been done to make it clearer that you can actually do something with this window.
  2. The searching for game resource files (screen shots, flyers, etc.) has been optimised.
  3. If 1-UP encounters a corrupt zipfile whilst you are attempting to add a zipped game, it will tell you! I thought that might be handy :)
  4. If a game image contains a single quote (') this will be replaced with an underscore (_) as no application likes single quotes in game names. For example, "Yoshi's Island" becomes "Yoshi_s Island". Only games associated with "single-image" emulators are effected. I never understood why ROM sites had files in zips that you couldn't run until you renamed them; anyway 1-UP now takes care of this for you!
  5. Singe image game resource files (screen shots, flyers, cabinets, information files, etc.) can now be named by the 32-bit CRC of the game image they relate to. 1-UP will now match on either filename or 32-bit CRC values. This has the same advantages as naming games by the file's CRC; although the filename can change, the CRC doesn't so 1-UP still knows what the game is.
    NOTE: I'll be uploading my screen shot archives for Genesis (800+ images), SNES (260+ images), PC-Engine (200+ images) and more over the next few months. All of these filenames will be in this format.
  6. When creating real name resource files, you can choose to append to the currently loaded resource. For example, if you load the SNES resource, but have a game that is not listed in it, you might want to name it correctly and use the append function to update the resource file.
  7. A new wizard has been added - the "Filename to CRC converter wizard". This will rename all your existing screen shots, etc. to the game's ROM/disk image 32-bit CRC value. You can elect to keep the old versions, see a report etc.
  8. Focus now goes to the game list after you have quit from an emulator.



  1. I had inadvertently downloaded the VB5 version of the Folder Tree View by CCRP - This may cause you an occasional error. This is fixed by both the install AND the patch.
  2. It was possible for the 'real name' matching process of the Multi-Add wizard to not match any names if you had a CRC resource loaded as well as a file to real name resource. This is fixed.
  3. A bug with the language resource loading was fixed.

New features

  1. The multi-add wizard only allows you to load the appropriate real name matching resource now.



  1. Path/File access error in GetFileCRC was eliminated (this only happened if you tried to CRC name-match on a non-zipped file).
  2. A runtime error that could occur if you set the minimum range > maximum range & vice-versa in the range parameter entry window has been fixed.
  3. Another runtime error in the range parameter entry window that occurred if you blanked out a value and the default replacement caused the above bug to happen is also fixed.
  4. A bug that could cause 1-UP to lose games from it's database if you cancelled out of the manage emulators window was fixed (it might be a good idea to run the multi-add wizard to check if you've lost anything).
  5. Setting a new or existing advanced parameter element as the default element now clears the default setting from any previous default and updates the screen correctly.
  6. An issue with creating a config file parameter was resolved (if you didn't alter the line 1-UP wouldn't know where the value identifier ended and the actual value began).
  7. It was possible for the last advanced parameter button in the parameter list to be left invisible. This is fixed.
  8. Handling of configuration files was improved.
  9. It was possible to get an "index out of bounds" error if you started 1-UP for the first time, didn't import an emulator opened the parameter window and cancelled. This has been fixed.

New features

  1. The emulator import wizard now walks you through all paths that need to be setup - follow it through step by step. This is helped by the fact that every parameter has a new field - "Import Question", when the emulator is imported, this question will be asked. For example, the parameter for MAME that configures where it will look for your ROM files has the question "Where are your ROM (game) images/zipfiles stored?", all you have to do is browse to the folder and the parameter is then configured. This should solve a lot of the questions I get emailed to me :)
  2. The folder browse window has been changed to use a folder tree view (just like explorer) - it is now also resizable.
  3. The resizing of the full window preview (double-click on the picture) was improved - you can also half the size of the window by holding down the SHIFT key when you double-click.
  4. All the browse paths in the emulator manager and preferences window attempt to default the path to the previously set value, or a global default.
  5. In the game manager window (either when adding or editing), you can now hold down the SHIFT key whilst clicking on the browse for file buttons for: Flyers, Cabinets & Game Information files (you've always been able to do this for previews).
  6. The icon for the preview button was changed again.



  1. A minor bug that could loose the last game found by the multi-add wizard was fixed.
  2. The icons for the cabinet, flyer and preview buttons have been updated.

New features

  1. 1-UP can now toggle through all of the images (and information text) associated with the selected game - set this up in the preferences window.
  2. The information tabs are now configurable - You can set up a type and then associate that with an emulator (this is done in the emulator manager window).
  3. Emulators now have their own default search path for cabinet & flyer images as well as information files.



  1. Several "subscript out of range" errors that could occur under rare circumstances (mainly observable when you have only 1 or 2 emulators in 1-UP).
  2. Several bugs related to the game information display in the main window were fixed (Thanks Alain!).
  3. The .TGA image format is now correctly supported. Please note that .TIF images must NOT use the LZW compression (I'm not going to pay an outrageous licence fee for that!) - all other types of .TIF should be fine!

New features

  1. Emulators can now have images assigned to them - these are displayed when you select a new emulator.



  1. A type mismatch when entering a range parameter.
  2. A runtime error 341 in the main window.
  3. The game information generation code (which allows 1-UP to display game information from such files as MAME's history.dat file) had a couple of tiny bugs removed and was also optimised.

New features

  1. Game information is now available from the tab control added in the previous release.



  1. Screen redraw issues when changing languages are fixed
  2. The text resource files got a little muddled meaning that the cabinets & flyers buttons had the opposite text on them!
  3. A nasty Runtime error 381 was fixed in the Game Manager window.

New features

  1. A new tab control was added to the main window, which allows you to quickly view the all of the available images for the selected game in the main window.



  1. Localisation problems are ironed out.
  2. The .OCX issue has been resolved (it was replaced with a dll).
  3. Different language versions no longer require a version of the English.chm file in their sub-directory.
  4. The install now creates the correct short-cut to the help file in the start menu.



  1. ROM duplicate matches can now be copied to the clipboard.
  2. Missing resources are now listed alphabetically
  3. Improvements to the online help were made.


Initial release version.